
Banners are typically placed at the top of the page to convey an important marketing message or drive users to a primary task.

Coded Components

Helper classes: Looking for a complete list of helper classes for these components?View helper classes

Redlines: We don't include redline comps because it's always more accurate to use developer tools to inspect the coded components, or a plugin such as the Prism Redline Tool.

Hero Banner (Default)

<div class="dds__hero-banner"> <a href="#"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="//" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> <div class="dds__container"> <div class="dds__card-body"> <div class="dds__d-block"> <h2 class="dds__text-primary">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.</h2> <h3 class="dds__h5"> This is a sample subheading for placement only.This is a sample subheading for placement only. </h3> <p>Sample legal text for placement only.</p> </div> <div class="dds__banner-btn-ctnr"> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Sample CTA</a> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Another CTA</a> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Still Another CTA</a> </div> </div> </div>

Hero Banner with Optional Event Title

<div class="dds__hero-banner"> <a href="#"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="//" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> <div class="dds__container"> <div class="dds__card-body"> <div class="dds__d-block"> <div class="dds__h4 dds__mb-3">Sample event caption</div> <h2 class="dds__text-primary">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.</h2> <p>Sample legal text for placement only.</p> </div> <div class="dds__banner-btn-ctnr"> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Sample CTA</a> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Another CTA</a> <a href="#" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__mb-2">Still Another CTA</a> </div> </div> </div>

Hero Banner with Link Picker

<div class="dds__link-picker"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="//" alt="Link picker image description" /> <div class="dds__card-body"> <fieldset> <legend> <h2 class="dds__text-center">What are you shopping for today?</h2> </legend> <div class="dds__picker-btn-ctnr" data-toggle="dds__linkpicker"> <div class="dds__form-select"> <select name="LinkPicker_Interest" aria-label="I'm interested in" class="dds__form-control" id="exampleFormControlSelect1" data-select='{"text":["I\u0027m interested in","Laptops","Dell Support","Printers, Ink, \u0026 Toner","Electronics and Accessories","Replacement Parts \u0026 Upgrades","Servers, Storage \u0026 Networking","Workstations","Desktop","Gaming"],"value":["interest","laptops","support","printers","electronics","parts","servers","workstations","desktops","gaming"]}'> </select> </div> <div class="dds__form-select"> <select name="LinkPicker_ToUse" aria-label="To use" class="dds__form-control" id="exampleFormControlSelect2" data-select='{ "ToUse": { "interest": {"text": ["To use"],"value": [""]}, "laptops": {"text": ["To use","for Home","for Work","for School"],"value": ["","//","//","//"]}, "support": {"text": ["To use","for Dell Products"],"value": ["","//\u0026l=en\u0026~ck=mn"]}, "printers": {"text": ["To use","for Home","for Work","for School"], "value": ["","//","//","//"]}, "electronics": {"text": ["To use","for Home","for Work","for School"], "value": ["","//","//","//"]}, "parts": {"text": ["To use","for Home","for Work"], "value": ["","//","//"]}, "servers": {"text": ["To use","for Work"], "value": ["","//"]}, "workstations": {"text": ["To use","for Work"], "value": ["","//"]}, "desktops": {"text": ["To use","for Home","for Work","for School"], "value": ["","//","//","//"]}, "gaming": {"text": ["To use","for Home"], "value": ["","//"]}}}' disabled> </select> </div> <div class="dds__display-text-ctnr"> <button name="LinkPicker_Find" href="" class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__disabled" disabled>Find</button> <div class="dds__text-center dds__display-text"> <span>Do you need help with a product? <a href="#">Visit Dell Support</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </fieldset> </div>

Sitewide Messaging with Required Elements

<div class="dds__banner-sitewide"> <div class= "dds__container dds__d-flex"> <div class="dds__banner-body"> <p class="dds__banner-text"> Text area may contain centered text up to 140 characters including spaces and call-to-actions. </p> <ul class="dds__list-inline"> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 1</a> </li> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 2</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div>

Sitewide Messaging with Optional Elements

<div class="dds__banner-sitewide"> <div class= "dds__container dds__d-flex"> <img class="dds__banner-image" src="//" alt="Banner left image description"> <div class="dds__banner-body"> <p class="dds__banner-text"> Text area may contain centered text up to 140 characters including spaces and call-to-actions. </p> <ul class="dds__list-inline"> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 1</a> </li> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 2</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dds__banner-tools"> <a href="#"> <svg focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#dds__tag-deal"></use> </svg> Coupons </a> <a href="#"> <span> <svg focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#dds__calculator"></use> </svg> </span> Financing </a> </div> </div>

Die Cut Banner

<div class="dds__die-cut-banner"> <div class="dds__die-cut-body"> <p class="dds__die-cut-text"> Text area may contain centered text up to 140 characters including spaces and call-to-actions. </p> <ul class="dds__list-inline"> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 1</a> </li> <li class="dds__list-inline-item"> <a href="#" class="dds__list-item">Call to Action 2</a> </li> </ul> </div>

Mosaic Banner

<div class="dds__mosaic dds__carousel slide" data-ride="dds__carousel" data-interval="5000" data-pause="hover"> <div class="dds__carousel-inner"> <div class="dds__mosaic-item"> <div class="dds__card-horizontal-bleed dds__carousel-item dds__active"> <div class="dds__card-img-top"> <a href="#" class="dds__d-block dds__h-100"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> </div> <div class="dds__card-body"> <a class="dds__card-link dds__feature" href="#"> Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth </a> <p class="dds__card-paragraph"> Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth mlkshk tbh sartorial amet health goth mlkshk tbh sartorial amet heamet health goth mlkshk tbh sartorial amet health goth mlkshk tbh sartorial </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dds__mosaic-item"> <div class="dds__card-horizontal-bleed dds__carousel-item dds__card-mosaic"> <div class="dds__card-img-top"> <a href="#" class="dds__d-block dds__h-100"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> </div> <div class="dds__card-body"> <a class="dds__card-link dds__feature" href="#" >Lorem ipsum dolor amet health Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth</a > </div> </div> </div> <div class="dds__mosaic-item"> <div class="dds__card-horizontal-bleed dds__carousel-item"> <div class="dds__card-img-top"> <a href="#" class="dds__d-block dds__h-100"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> </div> <div class="dds__card-body"> <a class="dds__card-link dds__feature" href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth</a> </div> </div> <div class="dds__card-horizontal-bleed dds__carousel-item"> <div class="dds__card-img-top"> <a href="#" class="dds__d-block dds__h-100"> <img class="dds__card-img-top dds__img-fluid" src="" alt="Description to indicate where the link will take the user" /> </a> </div> <div class="dds__card-body"> <a class="dds__card-link dds__feature" href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor amet health goth</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ol class="dds__carousel-indicators"> <li data-target="#banner-carousel-no-arrows" data-slide-to="0" class="dds__active"></li> <li data-target="#banner-carousel-no-arrows" data-slide-to="1" class=""></li> <li data-target="#banner-carousel-no-arrows" data-slide-to="2" class=""></li> <li data-target="#banner-carousel-no-arrows" data-slide-to="3" class=""></li> </ol>

No items found.


No items found.


Hero Banner

Required Headline:

  • Sentence case.
  • Closing punctuation is optional.
  • 40 characters max, including spaces (English only).

Required Subhead:

  • Sentence case.
  • Always use closing punctuation.
  • 100 characters max, including spaces (English only).


  • At least one and no more than three.
  • Production test 704 validated that three CTAs within the hero banner outperform a single CTA, or even two CTAs, when the three CTAs navigate to segment-specific destinations (For Home / For Work) or primary use cases for the topic (ex: Deals).

Optional Event Title:

  • Sentence case.
  • 1 line max.

Optional Legal Text:

  • Sentence case.
  • No character count limitation.

Image Creation:

  • 1400px x 472px
  • .JPG / maximum 150 KB.
  • Name it according to  Search Engine Optimization standards.
  • Do not include any text, numbers or characters baked into the image file to be exported. All such characters must be rendered on top of an image as actual text.
  • When creating the image, keep in mind that the right side will be visible on larger breakpoints (due to an overlaid container on the left), whereas the entire image will be visible on smaller breakpoints (due to the overlaid container moving beneath the image).
  • Logos or badges must be placed in the top right to ensure that they are never cropped out.

With Link Picker:

  • The link picker sub-component is overlaid at the center of the banner on larger breakpoints, then drops beneath it on smaller breakpoints.
  • The selects within the link picker are used in succession to identify the user's destination.
  • Initially, only the first picker element (a select) is enabled. Picking an option from the first select enables the second one. Picking an option from the second select enables the submission button.
  • Click the submission button to navigate to the destination determined by the options picked from the selects.


  • In right-to-left languages, the order and alignment of sub-components within the banner is reversed.

Die Cut Banner

  • Used for contextual, relevant or general marketing message for the content immediately preceding it.
  • The die cut banner is always full width, has no image, and uses one or two text links.
  • Text area may contain centered text up to 140 characters including spaces and calls to action.


  • In right-to-left languages, the order and alignment of sub-components within the banner is reversed.


  • A grouping of cards arranged in a grid, with flexible width gutters between them, serving a similar purpose to a hero banner carousel (i.e. with all carousel banners exposed simultaneously).
  • The layout of the mosaic cards cannot change.
  • Each mosaic card should include a title link, description paragraph and full-bleed image.
  • On SM and XS, the mosaic transforms into a carousel.


  • In right-to-left languages, the order and alignment of sub-components within the mosaic is reversed.

Site-wide Messaging

The site-wide messaging row appears on most of the site's pages.

Site-wide messaging is displayed immediately beneath the masthead.

It's content may vary from one segment branch to the next.

Site-wide messaging features may include:

  • An image (optional at larger breakpoints and not displayed on smaller ones).
  • Primary message (required; never more than three lines, including its coupon code and links).
  • Coupon code (optional; appended to the end of the primary message).
  • Primary link (required; appended to the end of the primary message).
  • Secondary link (optional, in a horizontal list with the primary link).
  • Countdown timer (optional; displayed on the right on larger breakpoints, and on smaller breakpoints within a span preceding the primary message).
  • Shopping tools (optional; displayed within a separate section to the right).

Do's and Don'ts

Banner Width

Hero Banners and Die Cut Banners should be fluid to the edges of the browser window, rather than being constrained to the grid within a 12-column container.

Common Button Labels and Usage

Title case, 2-3 words maximum.
Do not combine actions in a label (exception: "Customize & Buy").
If standard labels don't fit the button's purpose, align label with the task the user is attempting.

Please refer to the Dell Technologies branding website,, for further information regarding call-to-action labels and usage.

Button Label:
Corresponding Action:
Add to Cart
Sign In/Sign Out
View Details
Learn More
Takes users to Cart page, with item added
Used for search buttons
Takes users back to entry point for a task
Used to save an item
Navigates users to change an item
Deletes an item on the page, usually with a verification step
Used as progression
Used as forward and backward navigation (Next is primary, Previous is secondary)
Used to submit a task or info
Used for choosing items in a task flow
Authentication standard, for consistency do not use Log In/Log Out or Signin/Signout
Used instead of “Select” in cases of product details or within learn content
For use in modal verification steps when more specific CTAs will not fit due to space
Used to link users to more learning content or contextual help
Used within modal windows


The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops standards and support materials to help you understand and implement accessibility.

Please follow the best practices for banner landmarks from WAI-ARIA authoring practices 1.1.

Please also refer to these recommendations for banners from WAI-ARIA 1.1.

You may refer to this example of a banner landmark from WAI-ARIA practices 1.1.

You may also refer to these tutorials for page regions from Web Accessibility Tutorials.

The link in background image for alltypes ofbanner is optional, but if used must follow some accessibility settings: 

  • If the background image link will lead the user to the same place that any link inside banner, the link itself should have role="none" and tabindex="-1" and the image should have alt="" so the link is not duplicated for screen readers.
  • Otherwise you should remove those two properties from the link and give the image an alt property,the alt text should indicate where the link will take the user.

Any other major change in the banner structure should consider accessibility, if you need more assistance reach out to Accessibility Team.