Helper classes: Looking for a complete list of helper classes for these
components?View helper classes
Redlines: We don't include redline comps because it's always
more accurate to use developer tools to inspect the coded components, or a plugin such as
the Prism Redline Tool.
<table data-table="dds__table" class="dds__table dds__table-hover dds__table-cmplx" data-table-data='{"showData":false,"search":true,"select":true,"settings":true,"sort":true,"expand":false,"fixedColumns":true, "rearrangeableColumns":true, "fixedHeight":false,"header":true,"perPageSelect":[10,20,40,80,100],"perPage":10,"data":{"headings":["Name","Company","Extension","Start Date","Email","Phone","Link"],"columns":[{"select":0,"sort":"asc","fixed":true},{"select":[1,2],"hidden":true,"fixed":true},{"select":3,"type":"date","format":"MM/DD/YYYY","sortable":true}],"rows":[{"data":["Hedwig F. Nguyen","Arcu Vel Foundation","9875","03/27/2017","","070 8206 9605","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Genevieve U. Watts","Eget Incorporated","9557","07/18/2017","","0800 025698","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Genevieve U. Watts details"},{"data":["Kyra S. Baldwin","Lorem Vitae Limited","3854","04/14/2016","","0800 237 8846","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kyra S. Baldwin details"},{"data":["Stephen V. Hill","Eget Mollis Institute","8820","03/03/2016","","0800 682 4591","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Stephen V. Hill details"},{"data":["Vielka Q. Chapman","Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Institute","2307","06/25/2017","","0800 181 5795","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Vielka Q. Chapman details"},{"data":["Ocean W. Curtis","Eu Ltd","6868","08/24/2017","","(016977) 9585","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Ocean W. Curtis details"},{"data":["Kato F. Tucker","Vel Lectus Limited","4713","11/06/2017","","070 0981 8503","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kato F. Tucker details"},{"data":["Robin J. Wise","Curabitur Dictum PC","3285","02/09/2017","","0800 259158","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Robin J. Wise details"},{"data":["Uriel H. Guerrero","Mauris Inc.","2294","02/11/2018","","0500 948772","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Uriel H. Guerrero details"},{"data":["Yasir W. Benson","At Incorporated","3897","01/13/2017","","0391 916 3600","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Shafira U. French","Nisi Magna Incorporated","5116","07/23/2016","","(018013) 26699","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Shafira U. French details"},{"data":["Casey E. Hood","Lorem Vitae Odio Consulting","7079","05/05/2017","","0800 570796","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Casey E. Hood details"},{"data":["Caleb X. Finch","Elit Associates","3629","09/19/2016","","056 1551 7431","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Caleb X. Finch details"}]}}'> <caption class="dds__sr-only">A Complex Tables <span>Table used to display User information</span> </caption>
<nav class="dds__pagination dds__pagination-justified-filter" data-toggle="dds__pagination" aria-label="pagination"></nav>
pocTableCustomFunc = function() { window.alert('hi'); } UIC.loadURLSVGs(["svgs/dds__search.svg","svgs/dds__import-alt.svg","svgs/dds__handle.svg","svgs/dds__chevron-right.svg","svgs/dds__chevron-left.svg","svgs/dds__loading-sqrs.svg","svgs/dds__chevron-right.svg","svgs/dds__arrow-tri-solid-right.svg","svgs/dds__printer.svg","svgs/dds__gear.svg"]); var options = { search: true, settings: true, print: true, import: true, column: true, sort: true, select: true, expand: true, condensed: false, fixedColumns: true, fixedHeight: true, rearrangeableColumns: true, exportDetails: true, header: true, additionalActions: [{html: 'Custom batch action', js: "pocTableCustomFunc('test')", pos: 1}], perPage: 12, items: 100, layout: { row1: "{deleteAll:2:start}{settings:1:end}", row2: "{actions:1:start}{placeholder:1}{search:1:end}" }, data: { headings: [ "Name", "Company", "Extension", "Start Date", "Email", "Phone", "Link" ], columns: [ // Sort the second column in ascending order // and make it fixed at that position. // sort on multiple selects , select[1,2], does not work {select: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], control: false}, {select: [4,5,6], hidden: true}, {select: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], fixed: true}, // Set the third column as date string matching the format "MM/DD/YYY" and sortable { select: 3, type: "date", format: "MM/DD/YYYY", sortable: true }, ], rows: [ { data: [ "Hedwig F. Nguyen", "Arcu Vel Foundation", "9875", "03/27/2017", "", "070 8206 9605", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Genevieve U. Watts", "Eget Incorporated", "9557", "07/18/2017", "", "0800 025698", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Genevieve U. Watts details" }, { data: [ "Kyra S. Baldwin", "Lorem Vitae Limited", "3854", "04/14/2016", "", "0800 237 8846", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Kyra S. Baldwin details" }, { data: [ "Stephen V. Hill", "Eget Mollis Institute", "8820", "03/03/2016", "", "0800 682 4591", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Stephen V. Hill details" }, { data: [ "Vielka Q. Chapman", "Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Institute", "2307", "06/25/2017", "", "0800 181 5795", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Vielka Q. Chapman details" }, { data: [ "Ocean W. Curtis", "Eu Ltd", "6868", "08/24/2017", "", "(016977) 9585", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Ocean W. Curtis details" }, { data: [ "Kato F. Tucker", "Vel Lectus Limited", "4713", "11/06/2017", "", "070 0981 8503", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Kato F. Tucker details" }, { data: [ "Robin J. Wise", "Curabitur Dictum PC", "3285", "02/09/2017", "", "0800 259158", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Robin J. Wise details" }, { data: [ "Uriel H. Guerrero", "Mauris Inc.", "2294", "02/11/2018", "", "0500 948772", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Uriel H. Guerrero details" }, { data: [ "Yasir W. Benson", "At Incorporated", "3897", "01/13/2017", "", "0391 916 3600", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Shafira U. French", "Nisi Magna Incorporated", "5116", "07/23/2016", "", "(018013) 26699", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Shafira U. French details" }, { data: [ "Casey E. Hood", "Lorem Vitae Odio Consulting", "7079", "05/05/2017", "", "0800 570796", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Casey E. Hood details" }, { data: [ "Caleb X. Finch", "Elit Associates", "3629", "09/19/2016", "", "056 1551 7431", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Caleb X. Finch details" } ] } }; var tableEl, table, idx = 0; []"[data-table=\"dds__table\"]"), function (element) { switch(idx) { case 0: new UIC.Table(element); idx++; break; case 1: new UIC.Table(element); idx++; break; default: table = new UIC.Table(element, options); tableEl = element; idx++; } }); tableEl.addEventListener("uicTableSortEvent", function(e) { //table.clear(); }); tableEl.addEventListener("uicTableNewPageEvent", function(e) { insertData(e.detail.rows);; }); tableEl.addEventListener("uicTableMoreRowsEvent", function(e) { insertData(e.detail.rows); table.perPage(e.detail); }); function insertData(neededRows) { //table.import(JSON.parse('{"data":{"headings":["Name","Company","Extension","Start Date","Email","Phone","Link"],"rows":[{"data":["Hedwig F. Nguyen","Arcu Vel Foundation","9875","03/27/2017","","070 8206 9605","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Genevieve U. Watts","Eget Incorporated","9557","07/18/2017","","0800 025698","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Genevieve U. Watts details"},{"data":["Kyra S. Baldwin","Lorem Vitae Limited","3854","04/14/2016","","0800 237 8846","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kyra S. Baldwin details"},{"data":["Stephen V. Hill","Eget Mollis Institute","8820","03/03/2016","","0800 682 4591","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Stephen V. Hill details"},{"data":["Vielka Q. Chapman","Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Institute","2307","06/25/2017","","0800 181 5795","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Vielka Q. Chapman details"},{"data":["Ocean W. Curtis","Eu Ltd","6868","08/24/2017","","(016977) 9585","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Ocean W. Curtis details"},{"data":["Kato F. Tucker","Vel Lectus Limited","4713","11/06/2017","","070 0981 8503","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kato F. Tucker details"},{"data":["Robin J. Wise","Curabitur Dictum PC","3285","02/09/2017","","0800 259158","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Robin J. Wise details"},{"data":["Uriel H. Guerrero","Mauris Inc.","2294","02/11/2018","","0500 948772","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Uriel H. Guerrero details"},{"data":["Yasir W. Benson","At Incorporated","3897","01/13/2017","","0391 916 3600","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Shafira U. French","Nisi Magna Incorporated","5116","07/23/2016","","(018013) 26699","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Shafira U. French details"},{"data":["Casey E. Hood","Lorem Vitae Odio Consulting","7079","05/05/2017","","0800 570796","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Casey E. Hood details"},{"data":["Caleb X. Finch","Elit Associates","3629","09/19/2016","","056 1551 7431","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Caleb X. Finch details"}]}}')); var data = {data: { headings: [ "Name", "Company", "Extension", "Start Date", "Email", "Phone", "Link" ], rows: [] } }; for (var i = 0; i < neededRows; i++) { var ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * (11 - 0 + 1) + 0);; } table.import(data); }; function deleteAll() { return "<button class='dds__btn dds__btn-secondary' onclick='table.deleteAll();'>Delete All</button> <button class='dds__btn dds__btn-primary' onclick='table.setItems(24);table.import(insertData(12));'>Insert Data</button>"; } function getData(i) { return mockData[i]; }; var mockData = [ { data: [ "Hedwig F. Nguyen", "Arcu Vel Foundation", "9875", "03/27/2017", "", "070 8206 9605", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Genevieve U. Watts", "Eget Incorporated", "9557", "07/18/2017", "", "0800 025698", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Genevieve U. Watts details" }, { data: [ "Kyra S. Baldwin", "Lorem Vitae Limited", "3854", "04/14/2016", "", "0800 237 8846", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details:"Kyra S. Baldwin details" }, { data: [ "Stephen V. Hill", "Eget Mollis Institute", "8820", "03/03/2016", "", "0800 682 4591", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Stephen V. Hill details" }, { data: [ "Vielka Q. Chapman", "Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Institute", "2307", "06/25/2017", "", "0800 181 5795", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Vielka Q. Chapman details" }, { data: [ "Ocean W. Curtis", "Eu Ltd", "6868", "08/24/2017", "", "(016977) 9585", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Ocean W. Curtis details" }, { data: [ "Kato F. Tucker", "Vel Lectus Limited", "4713", "11/06/2017", "", "070 0981 8503", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Kato F. Tucker details" }, { data: [ "Robin J. Wise", "Curabitur Dictum PC", "3285", "02/09/2017", "", "0800 259158", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Robin J. Wise details" }, { data: [ "Uriel H. Guerrero", "Mauris Inc.", "2294", "02/11/2018", "", "0500 948772", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Uriel H. Guerrero details" }, { data: [ "Yasir W. Benson", "At Incorporated", "3897", "01/13/2017", "", "0391 916 3600", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Shafira U. French", "Nisi Magna Incorporated", "5116", "07/23/2016", "", "(018013) 26699", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Shafira U. French details" }, { data: [ "Casey E. Hood", "Lorem Vitae Odio Consulting", "7079", "05/05/2017", "", "0800 570796", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Casey E. Hood details" } ]
Complex Table with Stripes and Expandable Details
<table data-table="dds__table" class="dds__table dds__table-hover dds__table-cmplx dds__table-striped"> <caption class="dds__sr-only">A Complex Tables <span>Table used to display User information</span> </caption>
<nav class="dds__pagination dds__pagination-justified-filter" data-toggle="dds__pagination" aria-label="pagination"></nav> <!-- The script section below can be used to initialize the above table via the javascript object options. For more
information about the options object please see complex tables on the design site -->
<!-- <script> var options = { search: true, actions: true, settings: true, print: true, sort: true, expand: true, condensed: false, fixedColumns: true, fixedHeight: true, header: true, perPage: 12, items: 850, layout: { row1: "{placeholder:2:end}{settings:1:end}", row2: "{actions:1:start}{placeholder:1}{search:1:end}" }, data: { headings: [ "Name", "Company", "Ext.", "Start Date", "Email", "Phone No.", "Link" ], columns: [ // Sort the second column in ascending order // and make it fixed at that position. // sort on multiple selects , select[1,2], does not work { select: 0, sort: "asc", fixed: true }, // Set multiple selects to hidden { select: [1,2], hidden: true, fixed: true }, // Set the third column as date string matching the format "MM/DD/YYY" and sortable { select: 3, type: "date", format: "MM/DD/YYYY", sortable: true } ], rows: [ { data: [ "Hedwig F. Nguyen", "Arcu Vel Foundation", "9875", "03/27/2017", "", "070 8206 9605", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Genevieve U. Watts", "Eget Incorporated", "9557", "07/18/2017", "", "0800 025698", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Genevieve U. Watts details" }, ... ] } }; []"[data-table=\"dds__table\"]"), function (element) { new UIC.Table(element,options); });
</script> -->
var options = { search: true, actions: true, settings: true, print: true, sort: true, expand: true, condensed: false, fixedColumns: true, fixedHeight: true, header: true, perPage: 12, items: 850, layout: { row1: "{placeholder:2:end}{settings:1:end}", row2: "{actions:1:start}{placeholder:1}{search:1:end}" }, data: { headings: [ "Name", "Company", "Ext.", "Start Date", "Email", "Phone No.", "Link" ], columns: [ // Sort the second column in ascending order // and make it fixed at that position. // sort on multiple selects , select[1,2], does not work { select: 0, sort: "asc", fixed: true }, // Set multiple selects to hidden { select: [1,2], hidden: true, fixed: true }, // Set the third column as date string matching the format "MM/DD/YYY" and sortable { select: 3, type: "date", format: "MM/DD/YYYY", sortable: true } ], rows: [ { data: [ "Hedwig F. Nguyen", "Arcu Vel Foundation", "9875", "03/27/2017", "", "070 8206 9605", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Genevieve U. Watts", "Eget Incorporated", "9557", "07/18/2017", "", "0800 025698", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Genevieve U. Watts details" }, ... ] } }; []"[data-table=\"dds__table\"]"), function (element) { new UIC.Table(element,options); });
Complex Table - Condensed
<table data-table="dds__table" class="dds__table dds__table-hover dds__table-cmplx dds__table-striped dds__condensed" data-table-data='{"showData":false,"search":true,"select":true,"settings":true,"sort":true,"expand":false,"fixedColumns":true, "rearrangeableColumns":true, "fixedHeight":false,"header":true,"perPageSelect":[10,20,40,80,100],"perPage":10,"data":{"headings":["Name","Company","Extension","Start Date","Email","Phone","Link"],"columns":[{"select":0,"sort":"asc","fixed":true},{"select":[1,2],"hidden":true,"fixed":true},{"select":3,"type":"date","format":"MM/DD/YYYY","sortable":true}],"rows":[{"data":["Hedwig F. Nguyen","Arcu Vel Foundation","9875","03/27/2017","","070 8206 9605","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Genevieve U. Watts","Eget Incorporated","9557","07/18/2017","","0800 025698","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Genevieve U. Watts details"},{"data":["Kyra S. Baldwin","Lorem Vitae Limited","3854","04/14/2016","","0800 237 8846","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kyra S. Baldwin details"},{"data":["Stephen V. Hill","Eget Mollis Institute","8820","03/03/2016","","0800 682 4591","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Stephen V. Hill details"},{"data":["Vielka Q. Chapman","Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Institute","2307","06/25/2017","","0800 181 5795","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Vielka Q. Chapman details"},{"data":["Ocean W. Curtis","Eu Ltd","6868","08/24/2017","","(016977) 9585","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Ocean W. Curtis details"},{"data":["Kato F. Tucker","Vel Lectus Limited","4713","11/06/2017","","070 0981 8503","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Kato F. Tucker details"},{"data":["Robin J. Wise","Curabitur Dictum PC","3285","02/09/2017","","0800 259158","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Robin J. Wise details"},{"data":["Uriel H. Guerrero","Mauris Inc.","2294","02/11/2018","","0500 948772","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Uriel H. Guerrero details"},{"data":["Yasir W. Benson","At Incorporated","3897","01/13/2017","","0391 916 3600","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"]},{"data":["Shafira U. French","Nisi Magna Incorporated","5116","07/23/2016","","(018013) 26699","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Shafira U. French details"},{"data":["Casey E. Hood","Lorem Vitae Odio Consulting","7079","05/05/2017","","0800 570796","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Casey E. Hood details"},{"data":["Caleb X. Finch","Elit Associates","3629","09/19/2016","","056 1551 7431","<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>"],"details":"Caleb X. Finch details"}]}}'> <caption class="dds__sr-only"> A Complex Tables <span>Table used to display User information</span> </caption>
<nav class="dds__pagination dds__pagination-justified-filter" data-toggle="dds__pagination" aria-label="pagination"></nav>
var options = { search: true, actions: true, settings: true, print: true, sort: true, expand: true, condensed: true, fixedColumns: true, fixedHeight: true, rearrangeableColumns: true, header: true, perPage: 12, items: 850, layout: { row1: "{placeholder:2:end}{settings:1:end}", row2: "{actions:1:start}{placeholder:1}{search:1:end}" }, data: { headings: [ "Name", "Company", "Ext.", "Start Date", "Email", "Phone No.", "Link" ], columns: [ // Sort the second column in ascending order // and make it fixed at that position. // sort on multiple selects , select[1,2], does not work { select: 0, sort: "asc", fixed: true }, // Set multiple selects to hidden { select: [1,2], hidden: true, fixed: true }, // Set the third column as date string matching the format "MM/DD/YYY" and sortable { select: 3, type: "date", format: "MM/DD/YYYY", sortable: true } ], rows: [ { data: [ "Hedwig F. Nguyen", "Arcu Vel Foundation", "9875", "03/27/2017", "", "070 8206 9605", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ] }, { data: [ "Genevieve U. Watts", "Eget Incorporated", "9557", "07/18/2017", "", "0800 025698", "<a href='//'>Dell Home Page</a>" ], details: "Genevieve U. Watts details" }, ... ] } }; []"[data-table=\"dds__table\"]"), function (element) { new UIC.Table(element,options); });
No items found.
No items found.
A table is a page section containing data arranged in rows and columns.
Tables communicate relationships between content. They are used for:
Reference - To help users find relevant data for specific items.
Comparison - To help users compare the features of different items.
Users should be able to compare features by scanning horizontally.
Choice - To help users understand their choices when they are
presented with an array of options, typically through links and mini buttons.
Simple tables don't include sorting and filtering capability, while
complex tables do.
Do not use tables for layout. Use CSS to define page structure.
Authors should prefer the use of the host language's semantics for table whenever
possible, such as the HTML table element.
Rows contain cell or gridcell elements, and thus serve to organize the
table or grid.
The table role is intended for tabular containers which are not interactive. If the
tabular container maintains a selection state, provides its own two-dimensional
navigation, or allows the user to rearrange or otherwise manipulate its contents or the
display thereof, authors should use grid or treegrid instead.
Condensed Table
The condensed table is intended for internal applications and those in which users spend
significant amounts of time handling large volumes of data.
Do's and Don'ts
Common Button Labels and Usage
Title case, 2-3 words maximum. Do not combine actions in a label (exception:
"Customize & Buy"). If standard labels don't fit the button's
purpose, align label with the task the user is attempting.