
Used to navigate to a new URL or view, or simply refresh the page. May be styled to look like a button if it's the primary page CTA but still serves the function of a link.

Coded Components

Helper classes: Looking for a complete list of helper classes for these components?View helper classes

Redlines: We don't include redline comps because it's always more accurate to use developer tools to inspect the coded components, or a plugin such as the Prism Redline Tool.

Standard Text Link

<a href="#testlink">Sample Text Link</a>

Links Styled as Buttons

<div class="dds__my-5"> <a class="dds__btn dds__btn-primary dds__text-truncate" href="#testlink">Primary Button Link</a>
<a class="dds__btn dds__btn-secondary dds__text-truncate" href="#testlink">Secondary Button Link</a>
<a class="dds__btn dds__btn-purchase dds__text-truncate" href="#testlink">Purchase Button Link</a> </div>

Links Styled as Cards

<div class="dds__link-wrapper-stroked"> <a class="dds__card-stroked dds__link-stroked" href="#"> <div class="dds__card-label-stroked"> <div class="dds__card-label-container"> <p class="dds__card-title-stroked dds__icon-stroked-container"><i class="dds__icons dds__shipping"></i> Shipping Details</p> </div> </div> </a> <a class="dds__card-stroked dds__link-stroked dds__disabled"> <div class="dds__card-label-stroked"> <div class="dds__card-label-container"> <p class="dds__card-title-stroked">Destination name destination name</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-supporting">Supporting text</p> </div> </div> </a> <a class="dds__card-stroked dds__link-stroked" href="#"> <div class="dds__card-label-stroked"> <div class="dds__card-label-container"> <p class="dds__card-title-stroked">Destination Name destination name</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-secondary">Marketing text</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-supporting">Supporting text</p> </div> </div> </a> <a class="dds__card-stroked dds__link-stroked" href="#"> <div class="dds__card-label-stroked"> <div class="dds__card-label-container"> <img src="//" alt="" class="dds__card-img-stroked" /> <p class="dds__card-title-stroked">Destination Name destination name</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-supporting">Supporting text</p> </div> </div> </a> <a class="dds__card-stroked dds__link-stroked" href="#"> <div class="dds__card-label-stroked"> <div class="dds__card-label-container"> <img src="//" alt="" class="dds__card-img-stroked" /> <p class="dds__card-title-stroked">Destination Name destination name</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-secondary">Marketing text</p> <p class="dds__card-txt-stroked-supporting">Supporting text</p> </div> </div> </a>

No items found.

No items found.


No items found.


A link label should express, as clearly and succinctly as possible, the outcome of selecting the link.

A general rule of thumb is, links are for navigation and buttons are for actions.

Changes in Labels or Changes in States: If a link label or state can change from its load state due to user interactions on the page, then the action triggering the change should be in close enough proximity that the link change is evident to the user.

Keyboard Interaction

  • Enter: Executes the link and moves focus to the link target.
  • Shift + F10 (Optional): Opens a context menu for the link.

Do's and Don'ts

Common Button Labels and Usage

Title case, 2-3 words maximum.
Do not combine actions in a label (exception: "Customize & Buy").
If standard labels don't fit the button's purpose, align label with the task the user is attempting.

Please refer to the Dell Technologies branding website,, for further information regarding call-to-action labels and usage.

Button Label:
Corresponding Action:
Add to Cart
Sign In/Sign Out
View Details
Learn More
Takes users to Cart page, with item added
Used for search buttons
Takes users back to entry point for a task
Used to save an item
Navigates users to change an item
Deletes an item on the page, usually with a verification step
Used as progression
Used as forward and backward navigation (Next is primary, Previous is secondary)
Used to submit a task or info
Used for choosing items in a task flow
Authentication standard, for consistency do not use Log In/Log Out or Signin/Signout
Used instead of “Select” in cases of product details or within learn content
For use in modal verification steps when more specific CTAs will not fit due to space
Used to link users to more learning content or contextual help
Used within modal windows


The A11Y Style Guide has excellent examples of markup for link focus and read more navigation.

The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops standards and support materials to help you understand and implement accessibility.

Please follow the best practices for links from WAI-ARIA authoring practices 1.1.

Please also refer to these recommendations for links from WAI-ARIA 1.1.

You may refer to these examples of links from WAI-ARIA authoring practices 1.1.

You may also refer to this article about links and hypertext from WebAIM.